Knowledge is Learned 

About K.I.L.- 
A caterpillar moves slowly yet it still accomplishes its goal to meta-morph into a beautiful butterfly.  So no matter where you may be at this point in your life, you are not perfect! and you can turn it around, and emerge from your circumstance.  A bad decision, a wrong choice in a relationship, or you may not want to settle for the job/career you may have chosen.  It's never too late to change direction, and become a better you!

Spread your wings and take flight 
K.I.L SOAR (Succeed, Overcome, and Redirect)
"It's never to late to change"
We learn and grow from our experiences 

Empowering others to respect one another, love one another, and change one another, through kindness and compassion for a better quality of life!

Our mission is to promote and provide activities, programs and resources surrounding education on: 
* Attitude, Manners, & Respect, 
* Bullying, Cellphones & Personal Hygiene, 
* Communication Skills, Community Safety, & Community Engagement
* Public Teen/Parent Panels, Public Speaking
* Life Skills, Healthy Eating, & Self-Defense
* Re-entry & Prevention

We all fall short! Because none of us are perfect! 

K.I.L. Knowledge is Learned 

We are not a 501c3
Any donations will be greatly appreciated